

 this is clare. she is my friend. and she has amazing style. and she inspires me daily. so much so that i asked her if i could do a little mini-shoot with her. this involved me cornering her one day in a coffeehouse and saying, hey, you got fifteen minutes? thankfully, she did. and this is the result:

clare has a very distinct style. as far as i've seen, she sticks with very classic pieces- smart button-ups, leather boots, great jeans- but each one is perfectly tailored. the pieces are masculine, but she adds touches of femininity through her accessories, and each one is unique and beautiful in its own right- like that beigy-creamy perfect polka-dot scarf tied around her neck!
the thing i admire most about clare is that she acquires items that are perfect for her, which i think is the key point in developing style. it's fun to play with trends, but at the end of the day i believe it's important to develop a style that actually says something about who you are and not where you shop.

how would you describe your personal style?
old while young- at least that's what i aim for and like.

whose style do you admire the most?
daniel day lewis in 'there will be blood'

where do you shop?
thrift and vintage stores and the occasional american apparel impulse buy

looking back, what's the most embarrassing thing you've done in the name of style?
i used to pride myself in how many layers i could wear at once. we're talking like 8+ layers, and there was no style involved in that.

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